Home Yoga 7 Wacky New Yoga Styles: Worth a Try or Just too Weird?

7 Wacky New Yoga Styles: Worth a Try or Just too Weird?

by MirajAmin
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7 Wacky New Yoga Styles: Worth a Try or Just too Weird?

The world of yoga has undergone significant metamorphosis, sprouting “7 Wacky New Yoga Styles: Worth a Try or Just too Weird?” They have definitely piqued our curiosity, but the question lingers – are they worth a shot or just a bizarre novelty? This well-researched, long-form article dives into the thrilling depths of these peculiar yoga styles. Buckle up, it’s going to be a weirdly wonderful ride!


Are you a fan of the good old Downward Dog or do you prefer something more offbeat like Goat Yoga? In the sprawling yoga universe, a surge of unusual yoga styles have emerged. Before dismissing them as too peculiar, let’s take a closer look and unravel what these offbeat styles bring to the mat.

Decoding the Yoga Phenomenon

At its core, yoga is a practice combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Over centuries, it has evolved, with the recent trend witnessing more people exploring unconventional yoga styles. A blend of the traditional and the avant-garde, these new yoga forms may seem wacky but offer unique experiences. So, do these unconventional styles stick to the essence of yoga or veer off into the realm of the odd?

1. Goat Yoga: A Truly Baa-mazing Experience

Surprised to see goats and yoga in the same sentence? Well, welcome to the world of Goat Yoga, a fun twist to traditional yoga practice, popular for its therapeutic benefits and, of course, the goats.

The Unlikely Symbiosis of Goats and Yoga

In Goat Yoga, adorable goats wander around (and sometimes on) participants during a yoga session. It sounds bizarre, right? But participants report that the interaction with these friendly animals induces a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting a sense of joy. It’s not your usual Savasana, but does it bring a smile to your face? You betcha!

2. Beer Yoga: Balancing Brews and Yoga Bliss

Combine the ancient practice of yoga with the pleasure of drinking beer and voila, Beer Yoga! This trending style is all about balancing your favorite brew while striking yoga poses. Intrigued or bewildered? Let’s find out more.

Pouring Poses: How Beer Yoga Works

Beer Yoga classes involve integrating beer-drinking into yoga poses, which many enthusiasts claim enhances their relaxation. It’s certainly a fun spin to traditional yoga, though some purists might argue it veers too far. But hey, who said you can’t find zen at the bottom of a pint?

3. Doga: Stretching the Bond with Your Furry Friends

If you’re a dog-lover, Doga might be the perfect fit for you. This yoga style involves practicing yoga with your pet dog, offering a unique way to bond with your furry friend. Is it a pawsitive experience or just another quirky fad?

Paws and Poses: The Doga Experience

Doga involves performing gentle stretches and massages on your dog while you maintain a yoga pose. The intention is to foster a deeper human-canine bond. It might not be as intense as a regular yoga session, but the emotional benefits can be rewarding. After all, who can resist a good puppy dog eyes relaxation pose?

4. Aerial Yoga: The Sky is Your Yoga Mat

Also known as AntiGravity Yoga, this yoga style employs a hammock-like apparatus, allowing practitioners to perform gravity-defying yoga poses. Is it a sky-high yoga adventure or an unnecessary complication?

Flying with Yoga: Aerial Yoga Uncovered

Aerial Yoga combines yoga, Pilates, and acrobatics. The hanging hammock aids in flexibility and strengthens core muscles. Plus, the inversions can be a fun (and easier) alternative to traditional yoga inversions. But remember, this is not for the faint-hearted. Are you ready to let your yoga practice take flight?

5. Rage Yoga: Letting It All Out on the Mat

Rage Yoga is not your typical peaceful, tranquil yoga class. It involves swearing, loud music, and sometimes, even a glass of wine. Sounds offbeat? It certainly is. But does it serve a purpose or is it just an excuse to vent?

Releasing the Rage: The Philosophy Behind Rage Yoga

Rage Yoga offers a space to vent frustrations through shouting, stretching, and yes, some sassy language. It aims to offer an alternative for those who find the traditional serene yoga setting intimidating. The loud music and unconventional practices can be liberating, offering a cathartic release. So, ready to “namaslay” your rage?

6. Broga: Breaking Stereotypes, One Pose at a Time

Broga, a blend of ‘brother’ and ‘yoga’, is designed to break the stereotype that yoga is only for women. It integrates traditional yoga with high-intensity workouts, making it appealing for men. But does this gender-specific style hit the mark or does it limit the inclusiveness of yoga?

Strong Flexibility: The Broga Approach

Broga focuses on strength, flexibility, and cardio, attracting more men to the yoga community. It challenges the notion that yoga is not ‘masculine enough’ and provides a welcoming space for men to explore yoga. So gentlemen, are you ready to bro-down in your next yoga class?

7. Karaoke Yoga: Striking a Chord with Your Inner Yogi

Imagine singing your favorite tunes while doing yoga poses. That’s Karaoke Yoga for you! Is it a harmonious blend or just a noise in the world of yoga?

Singing with Asanas: The Tune of Karaoke Yoga

Karaoke Yoga involves practicing yoga to the rhythm of music, allowing participants to sing along while performing asanas. It promises to bring a sense of joy and unity among practitioners. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it definitely hits a high note in the fun department.


The 7 Wacky New Yoga Styles: Worth a Try or Just too Weird? Well, it’s up to personal preference and comfort. Some may find joy and meaning in these new styles, while purists may argue they deviate from the core principles of yoga. Remember, at the end of the day, yoga is about balance, peace, and personal growth. Whether that growth comes from a traditional yoga class or while balancing a pint of beer on your head, only you can decide.


1. Are these wacky yoga styles authentic? While they may deviate from traditional yoga, they offer unique experiences and can make yoga more accessible and fun for some people.

2. Is Goat Yoga safe? As long as the goats are well-taken care of and the environment is clean, Goat Yoga is generally safe. However, it’s advisable to consult with the session facilitator for any health concerns.

3. Can I get injured doing Aerial Yoga? Like any physical activity, there is a risk of injury. It’s essential to learn Aerial Yoga under professional guidance and follow safety measures.

4. IsDoga safe for my dog? Doga involves gentle stretches that are usually safe for dogs. Always observe your dog’s comfort levels and never force a pose.

5. Can men do regular yoga or do they need to do Broga? Absolutely! Yoga is for everyone, irrespective of gender. Broga merely offers an alternative style that some men might find more appealing.

6. Is Rage Yoga suitable for everyone? Rage Yoga involves explicit language and unconventional methods which might not suit everyone. It’s advisable to attend a trial session to see if it aligns with your comfort zone.


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